Your Vote, Your Voice

The assignment:

Voting is a fundamental aspect of democracy in America, giving citizens the power to influence government decisions and shape the future of our country. Every vote contributes to the collective direction of the nation, highlighting the importance of every individual’s participation in the electoral process.

We're proud to showcase our creative team’s incredible work designing a series of inspiring Your Vote, Your Voice posters. These posters reflect each team member’s most compelling reason for voting as expressed through their own individual creative point of view.

These posters aren't just art—they're a call to action. Our goal is to encourage everyone to step up, participate, and vote for the future they want to see. 

Register to vote today and learn how your participation matters at

The outcome:

Liviu Avasiloiei, Design Director

Every vote fuels progress and change. Stand up, speak out. Nov 5, 2024.

The poster uses a growing type scale to represent how each vote adds to a collective push forward. Starting small and expanding, 'VOTE' illustrates how progress isn’t immediate but builds steadily, step by step, as we all contribute to moving forward together. It captures the power of persistence, showing that with each vote, we’re taking another step toward progress.

Jackson Bowers, Manager, Content & Brand

Vote Like Their Lives Depend On It

Voting is often framed as a personal decision where people choose the option that best aligns with their self interest. My posters reframe voting as a decision done with others in mind. Taking typical voting messages like “Vote like your life depends on it”, “Just vote”, and “Your voice, your vote”, I explored slight language tweaks to show how voting can be about more than just the individual. Your vote can help give voice to marginalized, threatened, or underrepresented groups. After all, voting is how we can be empowered to create change, bring awareness to injustices, and shape the future.

Russell Fister, Associate Art Director

Don't just panic. Vote. We're all feeling the same way, but we all have a say.

In times of uncertainty, a lot of us can feel too overwhelmed and powerless to believe we have any say in what’s at stake, but a constructive way to channel that voice is by voting. Instead of bottling up our shared frustrations or letting our feelings consume us, we can choose to channel our emotions and turn panic into purpose by exercising our right to vote. We’re all feeling the same way, but we all have a say.

Chelsie Higa, Managing Designer

Nov 5 - Our Future Is On the Ballot

Voting is not just a personal act but a communal one, where every vote contributes to the direction we take as a nation. By voting with a sense of unity, we ensure that our collective voice is heard, guiding the country toward a future that benefits everyone. Voting is the mechanism through which we move forward together, building a stronger, more inclusive society.


A typographic design approach utilizes a contemporary reinterpretation of the red, white, and blue palette to symbolize an optimistic future. Hand-drawn stars serve as a subtle nod to the act of voting, while reinforcing the gravity of the issues on the ballot. Overall, the poster conveys the importance of voting, while instilling a sense of hope and forward-looking optimism.

Jenny Lee, Designer

Majority Rules

‘Majority rule’ is a social choice standard in voting that is used to make decisions. Your voice could be the single piece that shifts an evenly balanced scale from one side to the other. The rules are typically black and white, and you must choose in order for the collective to reach a conclusion. While some might see it as a potentially unfair way to make large-scale decisions, it’s a reliable system that allows everyone’s voice to have weight in an organized manner.

Kenny Rufino, EVP / Creative Director

Vote America

Voting is an opportunity for all of us to act. But when we do nothing, we allow chaos and negativity to tighten their grip. Our silence fuels the fires of injustice and breeds division and distrust. Inaction makes us complicit in losing our freedoms.

Yet, voting is a privilege not to be taken for granted.

When we vote, we shape our future before it can be imagined without us. When we vote, we express our belief in freedom before it can be used to imprison us. When we vote, we protect democracy before it can be taken from us.

When we vote, we vote, America.

Jim Sullivan, Designer

Safer Streets, Healthier Community, Greener Future - Pedal Towards Progress

Voting is a crucial tool for change, not just on the national level but also locally, where you can see immediate results. Electing leaders who prioritize bike lane development improves cycling safety for everyone. By supporting biking infrastructure through your vote, you help create a healthier community and reduce pollution. Expanding bike lanes also cuts down traffic congestion and provides a smoother, faster commute, making city travel more efficient and enjoyable for all.

Amanda Thomas, Designer

Nov 5 2024 Vote: Join the Ballot Party Bash - Make Your Vote Count in This Years Party

Let’s celebrate democracy and make your voice heard at the Ballot Party Bash! Get involved in this year’s election, encourage others to vote, and make your choice count. With fun, festive design elements like balloons and stars, it emphasizes the importance of participating in the democratic process while keeping it lively and engaging.

Amanda Wilson, Associate Director, Content

Because a Lot Is Riding On It - I Vote

Throughout American history, laws have been passed that protect civil rights, air, water, civil rights, consumer rights, voting rights and more. These protect what makes our country free. But good policy does not happen by accident. It takes people advocating and fighting for their beliefs. I vote because laws and regulations are not guaranteed unless we protect them. We need leaders who understand the importance of laws, regulations, and the public good. The election is coming. A lot is riding on it. My poster aims to illustrate this, as well as to encourage others to vote.

Let’s talk.
