Showcasing stunning projects to build a connection

Facts & Results
52% engagement rate
Successfully spotlighted subcontractor networks in local markets
Created a unified media center to promote Clark’s thought leadership
Our Role
Website design & development (Drupal)
Ongoing website hosting & maintenance
Visit / In Action

Update Clark Construction’s website’s architecture, function, look, and feel to create a clean, visually appealing design.
Our approach
REQ equipped Clark Construction with a new website to showcase the company’s brand and its position as an industry leader. We used bold imagery, visuals, and copy to tell the story of how Clark Construction goes beyond simply building individual projects to enhance public amenities and create vibrant communities.
Our team created a unified media center to make Clark’s thought leadership and news stories easily discoverable and searchable. We revamped the careers section to communicate how Clark provides engineers with opportunities to work on different types of projects and opportunities for talent to grow their careers.