Facts & Results
Our Role

Increase brand awareness and site traffic among millennial audiences in Texas for Constellation’s subsidiary, StarTex Power.
Our approach
The five-month, omni-channel campaign, “Hero of the House,” was developed to spark conversation and interest among the Texas millennial audience. The campaign challenged target audiences to share photos and stories on how they were a “hero of their house” such as energy saving initiatives creative DIY projects, and home repairs
The “Are You a True Hero of the House?” personality quiz was developed and featured on the StarTex Power blog and influencers were strategically selected to share and host the quiz on their own blogs and social channels. Additionally, the influencers with the most engaged Twitter audiences co-hosted a Hero of the House Twitter chat using #HeroOfTheHouse.
An interactive infographic was created and distributed through native and social ads. REQ also managed a Twitter scavenger hunt, compelling users to visit the infographic in order to find answers to questions.