My Summer Internship at REQ as Told by GIFs

Education, productivity, excitement, and fun can ensue at REQ on any given day, and as an intern I'm happy I got to be a part of it. This summer was filled with new experiences like updating websites, writing articles, pranking colleagues, and learning how to efficiently load the beer cart on Fridays - a r?sum? builder indeed. As I return to school and my friends ask me what I did this summer, the only way that I can clearly explain my internship experience at REQ is through GIFs.

Training and Learning

Prior to the start of my internship, I had some basic experience with the digital space, but I was outrageously confused by certain concepts like search engine optimization (SEO) and digital advertising. Training sessions on various tools and concepts - such as Intro to SEO, Copywriting 101, and Google AdWords - gave me a strong base to grow and develop my skills. It also helped me gain a better understanding of how all the pieces of a digital brand puzzle come together.

tswift mindblown

The learning process never ended, as I moved on to bigger, better, and more complex tasks and concepts throughout my time with . I was able to apply my new knowledge to my work by creating advertising campaigns on Twitter, becoming Google AdWords Certified, writing online copy for SEO purposes, and updating Drupal websites in foreign languages. I was truly able to explore the digital space through an educational and exciting focus.

Social Media

As a college student, social media is already an important part of my life, but this summer, its use in the business sphere gave social media a whole new meaning to me. Whether it was drafting and scheduling posts or pulling reports for a client, utilizing social media for business and online reputation purposes was an eye-opening experience. That being said, I was sometimes frustrated when making sure to use the right #hashtag and to write in only 140 characters on Twitter. #Interning.


Research and Writing

Through researching for various projects, I became an expert on topics that I did not even know existed previously. Sometimes, I even had to go to the second page of the Google results to find desired information. (My deep apologies to the SEO team.)


Writing for the digital space is very different than writing academic papers. I love that there is no five-page minimum requirement or need to write in MLA format. This summer I got to write relevant and fresh content for clients and websites, such as this fabulous blog post.

Team Bonding and Fun

During my first few weeks at RepEquity, we not only brought out the beer cart, but we also went out on a boat in Annapolis and even celebrated National Donut Day. I could tell right away that this was an office that likes to have fun. As an intern, this friendly and fun work environment made the experience less intimidating and much more enjoyable.


With all this learning, excitement, and fun, the summer really flew by. REQ, as a growing and prosperous company, provided me with many opportunities to develop my skills and abilities, constantly be challenged, and always have fun. Having a desire to learn, confidence in my work, and a sense of humor made this summer internship one that I'll never forget!


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