A Digital Summer: My Internship at REQ

US Navy Blue Angels Flying in Formation

I had no idea what to expect when the opportunity for a summer internship at one of the fastest growing companies on the east coast presented itself. Three months later, I have not only gained critical experience to keep up with the digital age, but I've also learned an array of life skills that will carry on to future positions.

I was familiar with intern horror stories, and I anticipated that my work environment would consist of small spaces (a closet with a mop and laptop). However, I was happy to see an open workspace, where all the teams - including the tech team, the content team, and the account management team - worked as one productive unit.

After being introduced to my new coworkers, each team shared what they do and how their work contributes to REQ's digital harmony. This gave me an inside view into how it all works behind the scenes, and allowed me to gain an understanding of how I'd eventually help with a variety of tasks.

On the second day of my internship, I found myself on a charter bus to see the Blue Angels perform in Annapolis, an annual event for REQ. It truly was an amazing experience, and this retreat was just one of the many ways that the company promotes team building and a familial atmosphere. From the Friday beer cart to office pranks, it's the little things that add up to a comfortable and collaborative work environment.

I learned a lot this summer through hands-on work. I updated WordPress and Drupal sites for clients, and I created fresh, new content to keep sites up to date and help rankings on Google. I enjoyed the digital work I was doing, and I even became Google AdWords Certified thanks to the Paid Search team. Finally, I had the opportunity to work closely with management on smaller projects throughout the office, giving me insight to all aspects of the company.

The skills I acquired this summer, whether on the technical side or practical side, will go a long way. I feel confident in my abilities to take on future tasks or projects, and the time management skills I picked up will certainly help me prioritize assignments and extracurricular activities next semester.

Although I'll miss the fully stocked snack cabinet, numerous office pranks, and my coworkers, I'm excited to get back to school and see how my summer experience will help shape my future.

Let’s talk.
