Chip Cullen Presents Responsive Design to Local Drupal Users

Chip Cullen, one of our top senior front end developers, spoke to the Northern Virginia Drupal Group this week about responsive design and the Drupal content management system (CMS).

Responsive Design and Drupal

Responsive design is an emerging approach to dealing with the web as we know it today and is an important component of a future-facing web strategy. It enables one website, with one code-base, to accommodate various devices with different screen sizes. This approach differs from that of a dedicated mobile website, which has a separate code base and might also require the maintenance of device-specific content.

Our team has built many responsive websites - from small microsites to large, enterprise-level websites. Based on his experience, Chip shared five lessons that he has learned about how to approach responsive design projects. You can see Chip's slides here.

Let’s talk.
