Amazon Advertising Plays a Key Role in E-Commerce Strategies

E-commerce strategies that are balanced in approach, by complementing Amazon advertising with marketing fundamentals like a strong website, optimized social channels, and email marketing, will deliver a well-rounded, omnichannel marketing approach to help virtually any brand succeed.

The Q4 outlook, as reported by eMarketer, forecasts B2C e-commerce spending will surpass $1 trillion with e-commerce accounting for $123.73 billion. Amazon is expected to generate $258.22 billion of those e-commerce sales. Studies show 48% of consumers start their online research at Amazon and a nearly-equal amount ends up circling back to make their final purchase through the online giant.

Benefits of an Amazon Advertising Strategy for E-commerce Brands

Device Usability

The majority of consumers today use mobile platforms to research and purchase goods, which makes it important that Amazon’s ads display your sponsored link in a way that is responsive on tablets, smartphones, and other portable devices.

Easy to Gauge Effectiveness

Amazon’s sponsored products reporting feature enables sellers to see the effectiveness of their PPC sales campaigns and affords data to optimize the e-commerce sales strategy regularly.

Sellers Pay for Clicks

Instead of allocating important marketing dollars to Amazon ad-driven “impressions,” sellers pay when a prospect clicks on the related product link. This allows the e-commerce business to reap the benefits of Amazon-sponsored impressions – all at no direct cost.

Amazon Targets Buyers, Not Browsers

The average Amazon shopper uses the site as a research tool and a place to make their final purchase. Amazon advertising uses real customer search results and browsing behaviors to deliver targeted ads where shoppers spend their time. This allows marketers to more easily place relevant ads that’ll drive greater conversions rates.

Important E-Commerce Marketing Strategies Besides Amazon Advertising

Amazon advertising is certainly a smart strategy that can help boost brand recognition and convert sales opportunities into closed deals. However, there are other tactics that must be leveraged in order to truly attain a balanced approach to e-commerce marketing.

Website Optimization

E-commerce retailers still struggle with outdated websites, slow page load rates, high abandoned shopping cart stats, and less-than-intuitive navigation. Whether you use Amazon advertising or not, ensure the company website is maintained and up-to-date.

Social Media Strategy

Mastering Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other leading social sites is crucial to a brand’s success. Statistics show 2.23 billion Facebook users are active on a monthly basis (worldwide), and 1.15 billion are active on a daily basis. Incredibly, five new accounts are activated each second on a worldwide basis.

Email Marketing

Though it may seem, email marketing is a powerhouse option for e-commerce brands that want to grow quickly and economically. Customers who buy products via email spend 138% more than those that do not receive personalized offers, and for every $1 spent on email marketing, more than $44 is returned, not a bad ROI.

E-commerce brands have many tools at their disposal. Amazon advertising is a compelling option that has proven effective for businesses of all types. To ensure your business has the greatest possible chances for success, create a multi-faceted e-commerce marketing strategy that encompasses a variety of intelligent tactics.

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